At SeaChange Indonesia, we are committed to doing our part to make the world a better place. Since 2005, the founders of SeaChange Indonesia have been engaged in a wide range of activities to safe the coral reefs and marine live of Indonesia, more precisely the bay of Sekotong.
SeaChange Indonesia is empowering individuals, initiatives and communities in doing so every day. We have established constructive and fruitful relationships with our collaborative partners so that we can achieve our goals quickly, sustainably and with continuous impact.
Are you ready to be a part and make a difference for the underwaterworld?

Here at the Sekotong marine park, Lombok, Indonesia, we are home to perfect conditions for coral restoration and marine live protection projects. With a background of more than 17 years’ experience in environmental and social projects in the local area, Sea Change Indonesia is now getting you involved helping us to help restore and protect this beautiful unique eco system.

SeaChange Indonesia was founded by Dr. Alexandra Indra Seifer and Mr. Jake Langford, ocean experts and compassionat advocats for the environment. They are active in Indonesia since 20 years. Their goal is it not only to save the coral reefs but to do so together with the local communities and businesses. Empowering and supporting them in their great efforts and ideas is the key to a successful overall eco strategy.
Their business companies are blue prints for eco aware businesses. They are dedicated to supporting the marine park goals and showing that coral reef restauration, sustainability, green energy, waste management and community support can play essential roals in green tourism and wealth for a whole region. Alex and Jake use this knowledge to support eco initiatives in being successful and long lasting.
The Indonesian representative of SeaChange Indonesia, CEO Mrs. Annisa Rahmadani, has strong experience in education, waste management and nature park conservation. She is well established in the local community, being also originally from this area, and is a wonderful ray of sunshine, both for the future of conservation as well as personally.

Key fellows in the efforts of SeaChange Indonesia are
- the dive company Oceanway, who are supporting the coral transplants in all their free time and with their high knowledge of underwater constructions and coral transplant techniques.
- Pearl Beach Resort with their enormous efforts to implant eco aware and sustainable tourism, supporting the cause of SeaChange Indonesia not only by this but also in offering the space for our marine biology station & solar panel powering.
- Pokmaswas Deep Blue Sea, the local initiative of highly motivated individuals who are dedicated to preserving the underwaterworld of the bay of Sekotong and who are a key element in inter alia spreading the knowledge about the importance of coral reefs and their protection in the area. They are a renowned stake holder by the government and officially patroling the whole bay of Sekotong.
- the village of Gili Asahan, who not only see but play an active part in the ecolodgical developements, embracing them and supporting them. For example are the fishermen of the village patroling daily the coral reefs, that are in focus of the current restauration projects of Sea Change Indonesia. Thus making sure no destructive fishing is taking place but also having changed themselves from such fishing methods to sustainable ways and much more: fighting for these ways to be respected by everyone.
- many local and international research institutes supporting the active efforts of SeaChange Indonesia by for example monitoring the coral reefs and researching on coral survival rates at the marine biology station of SeaChange Indonesia.
- last but not least there are in all these efforts many key individuals who are dedicating at least part of their life to safe the oceans and marine environment.
Have a look at our supported projects to learn more:

We are commited to being a non profit entity. working with an ethical codex and 100% commited to our cause. That is why transparency is of utmost importance to us and we have adopted and are binded to the standards of Transparency International (to be precise the "Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft"), a global network leading the fight against corruption. In this regards please find bellow some key information about our European entity.
Please find here our written commitment towards the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellscaft and see the below facts for transparent information.
Short Facts
Name, registered office, address and year of foundation
Sea Change Indonesia n. e.V. is a so called "nicht eingetragener, gemeinnütziger Verein", a German legal entity form for a non profit association. It was officially founded in May 2022, even though the founders have perceived the now defined goals of the association for already more then 18 years. It has its registered office in Germany, Südstr. 18, 48153 Münster. Contakt person is Dr. A. Seifert and contact email address is info@seachange-indonesia.com
The statute, general information about the goals related to our subject areas
Please find here our full statute.
Please find here our declared purposes.
Please see here more about our current projects.
Information on tax status/benefits
Name and position of key decision-makers
Activity report
Personal structure report
Source of funds
Information on the use of funds
Corporate affiliaton with third parties
Names of individuals whose annual payments exceed 10% of the total annual budget
SeaChange Indonesia n.e.V. does exclusively and directly pursue charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Tax Code (AO). The taxation of our association falls under §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO because of its objectives, according to the last notice we received from the tax office for corporations, Münster-Außenstadt (tax number 336/5827/9310), dated 24.06.2022.
SeaChange Indonesia n.e.V. is an individual and independent association.